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What is Harbour City Bears?

Harbour City Bears is Sydney’s only community group for bears – hairy gay men – our admirers and friends. We hold over 140 events each year – with weekly socials, quarterly dance parties, regular dinners and other outings through the year culminating in our two annual festivals, Bear Essentials & Bear Pride. Currently we have over some 1200 members making us the largest Bear association in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere!

  • Two annual festivals – Bear Essentials during Mardi Gras, and Bear Pride in the cooler months, are Australia's Premier Gay Bear Community Festivals and attract visitors from interstate and overseas to join and celebrate with Sydney’s vibrant bear culture.
  • Dance parties including quarterly Bear Pit and the iconic UnderBEAR during Mardi Gras.
  • Socials every Friday night at The Oxford Hotel in Darlinghurst and Sunday afternoon at The Town Hall Hotel (The Townie) in Newtown.
  • Press Paws is our monthly gayming event. Nintendo Swith tournaments for prizes. Come and play or just watch!

  • Community health & well-being events
  • Fundraising for community charities

The proceeds from our events and fundraising are all invested back into the club, or donated to the community charities that we support.

Why join Harbour City Bears?

Joining our community group will provide you with many benefits, including but not limited to.

  • an extensive list of commercial partners, which will gain you benefits and discounts upon joining
  • exclusive member raffle tickets given out at our weekly socials on Fridays and Sundays
  • exclusive member's badge draw for jackpotting cash prizes at our weekly socials on Fridays and Sundays
  • discount drinks at The Oxford Hotel any day of the week. More info here
  • discount tickets and entry prices for all events we hold throughout the year
  • access to member only events when held
  • priority notification of upcoming events and ticket sales through our member only newsletter
  • voting rights at our annual general meetings, allowing you to shape the future of the club

For information regarding our partners, weekly socials, and upcoming events, please visit the links at the bottom of the page!





AarowsAdult Stuff WarehouseAustralian Sports NutritionBear T-ShirtsCatlin ElectrixCleveland on OxfordEagle LeatherEclipseE-DryEqually WedFernside Coffee ShoppeHDG ImageHughes MenswearHum on KingThe Laird HotelLittle Miss PiggyMark the FloristMillkMilkmanThe Naked BarberNewtown GymPolly'sPunkultureSax LeatherSax FetishSydney SaunaTurtle Cove

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